Marc Younker is currently a junior double majoring in Political Science and Labor Studies, and minoring in Critical Intelligence Studies. On campus, Marc serves in numerous positions such as the Vice President of the Rutgers chapter of the Black Law Students Association and representing the Rutgers Office of Undergraduate Admissions as a Scarlet Ambassador. Marc serves as Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for the Association of Big Ten Students where he represents the interests of Rutgers University and the other 500,000 students in the Big Ten conference amongst legislators, key stakeholders and advocacy groups. Marc Younker most recently interned for the Political Team on the Cory Booker for President campaign. Prior to interning at Cory 2020, Marc interned in the office of Senator Cory Booker through the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation on Capitol Hill. He also interned for Angela Rye Impact Strategies doing research and consulting on policies for both Angela Rye and Impact Strategies clients. In addition, Marc is a scholar at the Institute for Responsible Citizenship. After completing undergrad, Marc plans on attending law school and using the skills he gained in undergrad and law school to combat inequity by expanding access to justice.